Thursday, June 3, 2010

just another day

Yesterday was a great day. I spent time with my family, played volleyball with some very good friends, and then sat by my aunt's pool listening to music and stories told by my family. Thank goodness this day happened.

As I have already stated in a previous post, I've learned a lot this summer. The last couple of days have been no exception to that. Here's a big lesson that I've been really thinking about a lot. Well, it might not be a lesson, but it's something that I hope to do to possibly change my life.

I have always been so concerned with having something that I don't currently have, and I would let it get me down all the time. I've come to realize that this thing that I want is 1. not worth having right now, and 2. not important. Last night, it hit me really hard that I have some things in my life that I need to work on. I also have a lot of important things to invest my time in like my family. My wonderful, LOVING, close, thoughtful family.

I've been spending a lot of time with my family lately, and all it makes me think is how lucky I am to have the loving family that I have.  There aren't too many people that have a great support system in their lives, but I am so blessed.

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