Friday, July 23, 2010


So.. life lately has been pretty great. I finished my online class and definitely got a 100% in the class. HOLLA. That's pretty exciting. The only thing is now that it's over, I feel like I have nothing to do. There's nothing left that I need to get done, so I've been trying to find things to fill my time so I don't feel completely unproductive.

In less than 2 weeks, I will be leaving for Austria! This trip is a choir trip, but I'm trying to not think about actually performing, and I'm just going to enjoy myself. I've never been to Austria before, so needless to say, I'm VERY excited.

Oh, here's something interesting that's happened lately. When I went to Sayre to take my grandma out there, my parents found a rottweiler out in the street. They brought her into our garage thinking surely the owner would come looking for her soon after. No one ever came. My parents decided to let her in our house. Normally, I don't think it would've been a bad idea, but Cleo (one of our little dogs) doesn't like her. Cleo growled at this rottweiler, and the rott grabbed her by the neck and started shaking her back and forth. BAD NEWS. My dad rescued Little Cle right before this rott killed her. So she was out in our backyard for awhile.. Just until we could find somewhere we could take her or someone who would adopt her.

Now, almost a month later, we still have her. My dad is completely obsessed with her. We have named her Heidi, and she's a new member of the household. She's actually very sweet-mannered. I don't know what caused her to go after Cleo that day, but she hasn't tried anything with any of our other dogs, so I guess she'll be okay. We now have 4, yes 4, black and tan dogs at my house.

Not too much longer till summer is over. I'm not very ready for classes to start back up, but I really can't wait for football season!! So, I guess there's always an upside to everything. ;)

Friday, July 2, 2010

life lately

So sorry I haven't written lately! There have been so many things going on in my life lately, and I seem to have been neglecting my poor blog.

Since my last post, I've been pretty busy.  First of all, my friend Brittany moved to her house in Stillwater, and so I went to her house-warming party.  Oh the way there, I ran a stop sign and got hit by another car. I couldn't believe it. My first real car accident, and it was MY fault. That definitely put a little damper in my night.  So.. I was carless... again.

After all that happened, I was kind of in a little funk.  I went places and did things, but it just wasn't the same. My summer just seemed to be having a lot of ups and downs.  About a week after I had my wreck, I got the terrible news that my car totaled. TOTALED.  After the hail and the wreck, my car was just worn out.

Later that week, I got my new car! Now, okay. I was really really really sad about my poor car, but my new one is pretty freaking awesome. It's a brand new, black 2010 honda civic coupe.

Since I've had my new car, I have been driving it everywhere.  I took my grandma home and stayed out with her for a couple of days. While I was there, I spent some time with one of my very best friends, Cindel.  We've been friends practically since I was born.  We had an absolute blast when we were together.  Not only did we catch up, but we reminisced on all the wonderful times we had when we were little.

My summer is finally hitting the high that summer is supposed to hit.  I still have the most wonderful, loving family a girl could have, the best friends I could ever ask for, and a life that I can't complain about.